Verify a macOS puppet-agent package


puppet-agent packages for macOS are signed with a developer ID and certificate. You can verify the package signature using the pkgutil tool or the installer.

Use one of these methods to verify the package signature:
  • Download and mount the puppet-agent disk image, and then use the pkgutil tool to check the package's signature:
    pkgutil --check-signature /Volumes/puppet-agent-<AGENT-VERSION>-1.osx10.10/puppet-agent-<AGENT-VERSION>-1-installer.pkg
    The tool confirms the signature and outputs fingerprints for each certificate in the chain:
    Package "puppet-agent-<AGENT-VERSION>-1-installer.pkg":
       Status: signed by a certificate trusted by macOS
       Certificate Chain:
        1. Developer ID Installer: PUPPET LABS, INC. (VKGLGN2B6Y)
           SHA1 fingerprint: AF 91 BF B7 7E CF 87 9F A8 0A 06 C3 03 5A B4 C7 11 34 0A 6F
        2. Developer ID Certification Authority
           SHA1 fingerprint: 3B 16 6C 3B 7D C4 B7 51 C9 FE 2A FA B9 13 56 41 E3 88 E1 86
        3. Apple Root CA
           SHA1 fingerprint: 61 1E 5B 66 2C 59 3A 08 FF 58 D1 4A E2 24 52 D1 98 DF 6C 60
  • When you install the package, click the lock icon in the top right corner of the installer.

    The installer displays details about the package's certificate.

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